So, upon reading Yost's recent post about our unflappable head coach, it got me thinking.
It brought to mind another undeniable bad ass to whom the world and all of its inhabitants owe all of our earthly freedoms: the one and only Chuck Norris.
I am quite a fan of Chuck Norris Fact sites. They're everywhere, and they are endlessly entertaining. Norris' level of tough was once thought to be unattainable by any human being -- until I began to see some similarities between Chuck and our now-fearless leader. Could there actually be a parallel between one Chuck Norris and the King of Toughness and 'Payshun' himself, Coach Hoke?
A story then popped into my mind. Back when Coach Hoke was an assistant at Michigan, he was the head coach of one of the intra-squad teams heading into our annual spring game. In the Lloyd Carr days there was a tradition (a tradition actually brought back with Coach upon his return to Ann Arbor) that whichever team won the game that day got to eat steak at the barbecue that night. The losing team? Banished to the more simple backyard fare of hamburgers, hot dogs and a steaming hot helping of shame coming from the endless taunting of the winning team around the picnic table.
Before the game that year, Coach rallied his troops in the locker room for his pre-game pep talk. After a fiery speech that more than sufficiently hyped his corps of Wolverines, he proclaimed: "Men, tonight we eat steak." He then turned his head, pulled out a large bottle of A-1 Sauce, and proceeded to DRINK THE ENTIRE BOTTLE in one swig.
That is one bad-ass coach.
So, here are some Brady Hoke facts that you may not know:
*Coach Hoke and Superman once fought each other on a bet. The loser had to start wearing his underwear on the outside of his pants.
*When all else fails, Coach Hoke doesn't.
*Coach Hoke does not wear sunglasses. The sun wears Coach Hoke glasses.
*If paper beats rock, rock beats scissors, and scissors beats paper, what beats all 3 at the same time? Answer: Coach Hoke.
*When Coach dives into a pool, he doesn't get wet. The water gets Hoke'd.
Please feel free to leave your best Coach Hoke facts in the comments below.
][V][ GO BLUE!
ED. NOTE, PART II: This just sort of screamed out for a re-posting of the video below that the MZone made back in June.
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