Jumat, 29 April 2011

Frowning Girl

Okay I admit it: the reason I have been lax in posting of late here on the MZone is because I've been so excited, so crazy with anticipation, so obsessed, with the Royal Wedding, that I haven't been able focus on the MZone until the joyous, blessed, event was over

So as I watched, live, naturally - a bowl of popcorn and my 16 cats named after other British royalty at my side - I, along with the rest of the world, couldn't help but notice the "frowning girl" on the balcony next to the future King and Queen as they shared their first kiss.

According to Yahoo, she's "Prince William's goodaughter 3-year-old Grace van Cutsem, who was one of the official bridesmaids (there are no "flower girl" roles in traditional British weddings, so children are often included as bridesmaids or pages)."  Apparently, Little Grace was also pouting for part of the carriage ride due to the noise of the crowd.

But as I watched and, yes, wiped the tears from my eyes, I realized this wasn't the first time I'd seen her.  So I did a little sleuthing and, lo and behold, I figured out where I'd seen her expressing her displeasure at other events.

As you can see below, Frowning Girl couldn't listen to Jim Tressel's bullshit, either.

And Grace wasn't pleased with UMD's OT victory over UM in the NCAA Hockey Championship.

Mystery solved.

Let us know if you've seen her anywhere else.

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